I went out for a shoot with Lisa, a photographer friend of mine (she's linked on my blog - check her out!) who was shooting an engagement portrait for a couple. She was trying to be introduced to the wonderful world of Pocket Wizard usage with small flashes. I was along to be monkey boy and show her a thing or two about using the flashes.
I ended up getting a couple of shots I was pleased with:

We found a great red corrugated tin wall that we used for a few shots of the couple together. It went really well with his shirt (same color), and it just made for some nice textures.
The wall was in a furniture warehouse that was downtown, so we had to do a little persauding of the business owners before we took the shots, but they were okay with it and we got what we were looking for.
While we were kicking around setting up lights, I scoured out another location that I thought would like pretty cool. It had some craggy brick walls, exposed lumber, and some really neat light coming through behind the couple. We ended up with this:

All in all, it was fun working with somebody else who can keep you sharp and on your toes. She had way more stamina than me, too. I had to duck out early and she was still shooting.